Sunday, June 22, 2014

The "F" Word

No, not that "f" word. Feminism.

I know feminism has become a very trendy cause to support lately, thanks to sites like Tumblr. Contrary to the belief of many, feminists aren't a coven of lesbians who neglect routine hygienic practices to focus on channeling their hatred of men and scheming to overthrow the patriarchy.

Actually, most feminists are not as extreme as they have been painted to be. Feminism has nothing to do with man-hating, but instead has everything to do with leveling the playing field.

The fact that I'm even writing this post proves in itself why we, men and women alike, need feminism in our world today.

We live in such an advanced civilization and literally have the world at our fingertips. We are able to meet new people and spread ideas more efficiently than ever before. But despite this, so many people in our world have such a hang-up with feminism. Some even view it as a dirty word or insulting to be called a feminist.

I need feminism because as I was walking to work in above 90 degree weather wearing a sundress, I was met by a car full of cat-calling young men. I can't even dress in weather-appropriate attire without being harassed. Now, many might roll their eyes and even say "Oh, just move on. Boys will be boys."

But that's the problem: We as a society have promoted this animalistic idea of men being so primal, so barbaric, that they are incapable of controlling themselves. This not only teaches men that they are so fueled by desire that it is okay to neglect their self-control, but also teaches them that women should be viewed as objects, rather than equals. It is this type of thinking that is holding back our world.

Even though it is 2014 and we all try so hard to be accepting of different types of religions, lifestyles, and cultures, we are forgetting the most important thing: to respect the person who holds those beliefs and ideals, and that is the most severe problem we are faced with in our society today.

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars & Discovering a Blissful Life

Recently, some friends and I went to see The Fault in Our Stars, a beautiful and moving (and heartbreaking) story of two star-crossed lovers with cancer, based upon John Green's novel.

By the end of the movie most people were crying. But the entire time I couldn't help but think of someone I love dying from cancer. I feel like almost everyone is touched by cancer at some point, whether it be an aunt, a grandma, or a friend. Luckily, no one I love has been affected by cancer. That is a huge blessing, but at the same time I can't help but wonder when this deadly disease will weasel its way into my life.

At times like these when worry floods my mind, I turn to my faith as a way to lessen the stomach churning stress. I feel confident in saying that I need not worry because whatever happens is meant to be.  I know that whatever life throws at me, I have family and friends who will stand by me. And most importantly, I have my faith in Christ to turn to. These three things combined will be able to get me through anything.

But more importantly, TFIOS taught me to embrace everyday and its challenges. As previously mentioned, my life has stayed cancer-free in every aspect, but I have faced a year of challenges health-wise. Not knowing if I would wake up feeling great or wake up in pain made me grateful for every good day I have had this year.

Before I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, a disease which causes chronic pain and inflammation in the bladder lining and pelvic region, I had never imagined what life would be like to constantly be in pain, or what it would be like to have my body seemingly turn against me. None of these thoughts had crossed my mind. But now I sympathize with everyone who struggles with health problems and have personally learned that diseases that are seemingly invisible are just as bad, if not worse, than diseases that make their presence fully known.

So, in short, my readers, embrace life. Embrace it fully and wholly, the good with the bad. Smile when life is gracious to you and smile when it is cruel. Optimism is the most important quality to have, after all.

Monday, June 9, 2014


Hi, there. So, to start off:
I'm a newly graduated eighteen-year-old with an eager and ambitious attitude and the sass to match it.
I'm not starting this blog because I'm actually pretentious enough to believe that people care about the ramblings of a teenager, but rather a way to clear my mind and encourage my love of writing.
However, I am pretentious enough to call myself a writer.

Ever since I was a child, I loved to write. I devoured books and when they couldn't satisfy me, I took to writing. Writing has been my way of coping throughout life and a way to feel accomplished. I was on the newspaper staff in high school, and nothing felt more satisfying than a complete stranger complimenting my article. As cliche as it sounds, I want my writings to reach people. I want to inspire them. And taking into account my lack of artistic ability and being incapable of doing anything noteworthy, I plan on writing.

So what will I be posting? All sorts of things. I have a variety of interests and this blog will match them. One post could be about last night's episode of Game of Thrones or it could be about a quote I found particularly interesting. There will never be a dull moment on this blog.

So enjoy, readers. Maybe I'll spark something inside of you. Or maybe, and most likely, you'll roll your eyes at this blog and laugh at my naive thoughts. Or better yet, maybe my dry humor and sarcastic nature will make you want to read more. Regardless, enjoy my blog.