Thursday, August 21, 2014

College: The Prequel

With the arrival of college swiftly upon us, change is brewing. It can be felt in every aspect of life: the weather, our relationships, and within ourselves.

Some people crave change while others, like me, dread it.

Change is hard. As humans, we like routine. We create our little worlds and try our best not to stray from what we know. Playing it safe through carefully calculated actions yields very few risks and chances for failure.

When I was sixteen I had my life planned out: I would stay in my sleepy hometown of Hurricane, West Virginia,  keep my job at a fast-food restaurant through high school, go to the local college where I planned to be a doctor, and most likely stay in an (unrealized at the time) unhealthy relationship with my then boyfriend.

But life had very different plans for me. My dad quit his long-term job and moved us to Murfreesboro, Tennessee, so he could advance his career and create a better future for our family while simultaneously shattering my life plan. Now, two and a half years later with the age of nineteen looming over me, I am so perfectly content with my unplanned life that the inner peace I feel brings me to the verge of tears.

Today, I can proudly say that I graduated from high school in the top 20% of my class with distinction and honors, have a beautiful relationship with my sweet, sweet boyfriend, and am in the best place that I've been for quite awhile with my family. I traded my hairnet and uniform for a key holder position at an amazing boutique and will be attending MTSU where I am double majoring in Biology and Psychology with a minor in neuroscience. 

I know that God has greater plans for me than I do myself, and as reminded by Jeremiah 29:11, I know that I will never be led astray or brought to a challenge that I cannot handle.

So even though my natural response to change is dread and fear I am reaching a new chapter in my life; one filled with so many new memories, friends, and struggles. In honor of this new chapter, I boldly invite change into my life and will accept whatever life sends my way.

I will accept every new adventure that comes my way with a resounding "Yes!"
I will invite new friends into my life.
I will never take a moment for granted.

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