Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Who Will Throw the First Stone?

By now the news of Bruce Jenner's surgical transformation to the now Cailtyn Jenner has spread worldwide. While conservatives are crying that this is an abomination in the eyes of the Christian God, those leaning towards the left are applauding Jenner for her bravery.

Those claiming that this monstrosity will ruin America are the same who excused Josh Duggar for his incestuous and illegal tendencies to molest his younger sisters. I'm finding it hard to believe that a woman who was born in the body of a man will somehow corrupt America, yet a self-admitted child molester seems to be viewed as a martyr. It deeply saddens me that we have somehow lost sight of the things worth fighting for. Rather than fighting for a child-molester to walk free, we should be focusing our efforts on creating an accepting environment for those outside of the social norms.

Many right-winged conservatives are outraged that Caitlyn Jenner will be receiving ESPN's Arthur Ashe Courage Award, claiming that Jenner performed no heroic act. To this I ask them: what is defined as heroism then? Sure, growing up we imagined heroes to be people in capes who rescued a kitten from a burning building. But in reality, heroism has not one definition. One does not need to face death to be labeled courageous nor does one need to give their life to die with honor. These ideas are far removed from the society of 2015 America. In this day and age, perhaps heroism is nothing more than unapologetically being one's true self. And if so, what's so wrong with that?

For those of you who remain unaware of the difference between sex and gender, let me explain, because there is absolutely a difference. Although used interchangeably, the words do not mean the same thing. Sex is a biological term. This is the difference in genitalia between born-females and born-males. Gender, however, is the characteristics determined by society. Sex does not determine gender nor does gender determine sex. I myself identify as a woman in both my sex and my gender. I consider myself lucky. For some people, it's not that simple. For those born transgender, it means that their sex and their gender don't match up. They may have the genitals of a male but feel that their gender is female. This is the case with Cailtyn Jenner. She went her whole life until recently feeling alienated from her body. It's a crushing idea to not feel at home in one's physical self.

Some might say that this is all fine and well, but having in a sex change is a slap in the face to our creator. Many conservatives say that God doesn't make mistakes and that identifying as transgender is nothing more than a perversion. To them, I ask this: What about people born as hermaphrodites, meaning that they have both male and female genitalia? No one questions the legitimacy of this. Those born with any sort of medical condition are not crucified for them but treated without question or hesitation. None of these are viewed as mistakes, so why should the transgender community be on trial for something they have no control over? Caitlyn Jenner did not choose to be born in the wrong body. She did not choose to feel like a stranger to herself. She did not commit an unforgivable sin by finally uniting her sex and her gender. She needs God no more than anyone else. She is finally whole.

According to livescience.com, 41% of those who identify as transgender attempt suicide. This heartbreaking number reflects the inner turmoil those identifying as transgender face. And who can blame them? In American society today, it seems that more than ever people are becoming dangerously concerned with the lifestyles of others. I am here to share a groundbreaking fact: it does not matter now, nor will it ever matter, that you disagree with someone else's lifestyle. Again: it does not matter. To be frank, it's getting a bit creepy how interested some people are with what goes on in the privacy of other Americans' homes. Those quick to judge the lifestyles of others are often not leading the most righteous of lives themselves, ahem, Duggar family.

However, while I full-heartedly support Jenner in her choices and smile at her newfound happiness, I do agree with her critics on one point: God makes no mistakes. Caitlyn Jenner is not a mistake.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Learning to Embrace Change

I'll admit it, I hate change. Once I settle down and find something that I like, I want to stick with it for as long as possible. If change is to happen, I want it to happen on my time schedule and on my terms.

The past few years of my life has resulted in a lot of change. I moved four hundred miles away from my hometown, lost old friends, gained new ones, fell in love, graduated from high school, ended up in a college and major that I never would have pictured myself in - the list could go on for days. The person that I am today has very little in common with the person I was several years ago or even several weeks ago. I am in a constant state of change, yet struggle with the acceptance of it.

But throughout the seasons of my life, the one thing that has always stuck with me is a verse from Jeremiah.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

As a flawed human being that hates change, I also hate not holding the key to my future. It's one thing to preach about trusting God, but it's another thing to live it. And for me, accepting that my future does not fall into my hands, but His hands, has been a difficult journey.

See, I was that kid in elementary school, while my classmates were talking about being princesses and astronauts, who wanted to be a doctor. And that was that. I would grow up in Hurricane, West Virginia, be friends with my friends forever, and become a doctor. Settled.

But then life, or rather, God, threw me a curve ball. Two years later, I'm living in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, attending MTSU and studying journalism. Talk about a change of plans.

But that's what I'm finally understanding: plans change, people change, nothing stays the same.

As humans, we were created for adaptation and evolution. Change is what has kept our species alive for millions of years. When we experience change, we must accept it and learn to better ourselves because of it. And even though change is hard and it's easier to dig our heels in and reject the new and scary things coming our way, we must not - I must not. Why should I? Why should I be worried about things that are out of my control? Especially when the One who knows my future is the One who created me, flaws and all, the One who has laid a future before me, a future filled with so many beautiful things.

When I take a step back and reflect on my life and fully realize that my steps are being guided by the creator of the universe, it's humbling.

It's so incredible knowing that no matter where I'm guided, I will forever have the promise of a hopeful future from my God. And that alone is enough to give me peace about the days to come.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Eating My Way Through the United States: Nashville

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I headed out of Murfreesboro to Nashville. We had an awesome day of singing in the car, going to comic book stores for him and boutiques for me, and enjoyed lunch at The Pharmacy.

The Pharmacy Burger Parlor and Beer Garden is this delicious restaurant in East Nashville and was voted The Best Burger in 2013- and with good reason. This restaurant proudly serves 100% Tennessee-raised beef in their burgers and 100% pure cane sugar in their sodas.

Mark got The Cheese Burger which includes three different cheeses served on a Provence bun. I got the Grilled Chicken Club. Both sandwiches came with a side, so we chose the fries. By far, The Pharmacy has the best fries I've ever had. So good. Mark and I both enjoyed our meal and left happy and full. I also ordered an Ice Cream Soda with vanilla syrup. In all honesty, I wasn't a huge fan of this. Old-fashioned soda, in my opinion, is an acquired taste that I've yet to earn. However, the Pied Piper ice cream that was served in my soda was fantastic.

Vanilla Ice Cream Soda 


Here are some pictures from our lunch! It has a very hipster feel to it. You'll see lots of bangs, boots, and handlebar mustaches. You can choose to eat inside or outside. If eating inside, be prepared to join another couple or family at the park-like picnic tables they have set up. Outside, they have tables with umbrellas to keep you cool in the sun and string lights put up around the fence that is lining the restaurant.

The Pharmacy would be a great first date restaurant for new couples and could quickly become a favorite hang out for settled couples! 

Be sure to make The Pharmacy your lunch stop if passing through Nashville! Enjoy, guys!

November Trends

Hey, guys! November is right around the corner and with the start of a new month is the start of new trends!

I love November. It's the first month when winter starts to make its annual appearance, Christmas stuff starts popping up everywhere, and of course, Thanksgiving!

Here are some chic new styles to break out over Thanksgiving break to impress your friends and family. Maybe your grandma will stop asking you when you'll get hitched and where you got that fabulous outfit.

Piko Tops

Piko tops are all the rage now. They're perfect for your casual, lazy day without sacrificing comfort for style! Be sure to pick out some good earthy tones, such as olive green, tan, and plum. You can find Piko tops just about anywhere. In fact, I just snagged one on sale at Target for $12!

Piko Long Sleeve Top; Forest Green. Shopriffraff.com. ($32).

Long Sleeve Dresses

There's nothing more perfect than a gorgeous long sleeve dress paired with some fun tights! It's hard to find a nice long sleeve dress with a good price tag, but Urban Outfitters has lots!

BDG Ribbed Knit Scoop-Back T-Shirt Dress. Urbanoutfitters.com. ($59). 

Printed Tights

As aforementioned, I live for patterned tights! I have a box full of them in my closet, along with knee high socks. I can't get enough! These tights are beautiful enough for every fashionista to own, but conservative enough for someone who isn't into super loud prints. 

Meadowbend Pointelle Tights. Francsescas.com. ($12).

Suede is going to be very popular this fall. Today, I found two adorable suede dresses at Marshall's for $19.99 a piece! Can we say bargain?

Enzo Angiolini Gettup Boots. Macys.com. ($68.25). 

I hope everyone enjoyed this read! Make November a great and stylish month! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Five Things I Wish I Had Known in High School

Everything about college is intimidating. From deciding where to go to learning your way around, college is stressful.

I know this firsthand since I was set for the University of Alabama and planned to major in chemical engineering, but changed my mind two weeks before I was supposed to leave. Instead, I am attending MTSU, double majoring in biology and psychology, although I'm seriously considering changing my majors to journalism and global studies.  So in just fourteen short days I had to apply to MTSU, cancel my reservation to Alabama, meet with my advisor, schedule my classes, get an official transcript and ACT score report sent to my school, get a whole new set of shots and meet new requirements, and find a permanent job here.

But even with all of the new hoops I had to jump through, I made it work, and now I'm happier than ever with my decision. I have two amazing jobs, a new set of friends, joined a sorority, and am finding what I'm meant to do with my life.

Below is a list of advice that I wish someone had shared with me a year ago when I was beginning my senior year.

1. Taking a plethora of AP classes really won't help you that much. 
My senior year, I took four AP classes: government, English, chemistry, and statistics. I was able to balance the workload (barely) and make great grades, but only passed one of my AP exams. If I could go back and redo my senior year, I would have just taken two and devoted more time to them. It looks better to take fewer "hard" classes and excel in them than taking several classes and falling short in all of them.

2. After you graduate, your ACT score does not matter. At all.
I took the ACT exam four times before I got what I wanted: a 30. But then after that, I still wasn't happy. I wanted a 32, so I took the exam another two times, but maxed out at 30. I was so embarrassed of my score and felt ashamed that I couldn't reach a 32. What I didn't seem to realize is that a 30 is an amazing score that most people would have been more than thrilled with. At the time, I seemed to correlate my personal value with the number I got on a test. Don't stress yourself out if you don't reach your dream score. It honestly won't matter at all once you graduate. In my school, people prided themselves on their ACT score, but I promise you, once you get to college, it won't matter anymore.

3. It does not matter how many clubs you were a part of. 
My senior year I was involved in seven clubs and was on the board for four of them. I barely had a social life. While my classmates were enjoying their senior year of high school, I was working working working toward a goal I had set for myself: be the most involved, have the highest ACT score, get the best scholarships. I literally made myself sick trying to be the best. Out of the two colleges I applied to, MTSU and Alabama, my involvement did not influence my candidacy for scholarships or admission. I think it's great to be involved, I still am in college. But being in seven clubs does not make you look any better than the person who was only in three. Instead of signing up for everything, only join clubs that you are truly interested in and will enjoy being involved in.

4. There is no shame in attending your local college. 
If you had told me a year ago that I would be attending the local college and still living at home, I would have laughed you out of the room. "Me? Going local? No way. I'm destined for greatness and local isn't great." I was the most stuck up overachiever out there, guys. Staying home for school was the best decision I could have made for myself. Freshman year is hard enough without factoring in living on your own, moving to a new city, and making a whole new set of friends. Staying at home has allowed me the comfort of living in a city I know, my family to rely on, and the ability to make new friends at my own pace. Staying at home does not mean you have failed. I repeat: staying at home does not mean you have failed.

5. Everyone is going to have an opinion, but not everyone's opinions matter.
The past few months have been a bit rocky in regards to my future. Growing up, I was always the girl who knew what she wanted to be. When other girls were dreaming of being princesses, I would state in a matter-of-fact tone that I wanted to be an oncologist. So when I decided last minute to give up my full ride to Alabama for MTSU, I received a lot of backlash. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me what an idiot I am for staying home, I would have more money in cash than what Alabama was offering me. It was really hard for me not to let the negativity of others get to me. In the eyes of my classmates, I was an idiot who had failed. But it finally dawned on me that these people I had been surrounded with no longer matter, nor did their opinions. My happiness is all that matters. Don't let the opinions of others, no matter how close they are to you, influence your opinion on your life, your college, and your major. No matter what you do, where you go, who you become, there will be someone who loves you for it, and there will be five others who hate you for it. You can't please everyone so focus on pleasing yourself.

College is a time for self-discovery, trying new things, and having fun. If you aren't happy with your life, now is the time to change it. Don't let anyone tell you what you're meant to be. If I had let others decide my future, I would be in another state by myself, studying my booty off for a job I would loathe, and so stressed out that I would undoubtedly send myself into another IC flare.

Pick the college and future that is right for you, not your friends, not your family, and sure as hell not for the people you pass in the hallway five times a week.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall Into Style: Bohemian

Hello, everyone!

As promised, here is the second installment of my three part fall fashion series, Fall Into Style. Last week I covered the grunge trend that will be setting off this fall. This week I will be covering the bohemian trend that is going to be very in this fall. Stay tuned for next week's final installment of the fall style series!

This trend really reflects my personal everyday style. I absolutely adore anything with a boho vibe or anything that a hippie might have worn back in the day. There's just something about bohemian that screams fall. Some faded jeans paired with a worn vintage shirt and some moccasins sounds like my kind of outfit! The bohemian style really focuses on your true, individual beauty. Try going makeup-less one day this fall with your natural hair and see how much lighter you feel!

Sheer Lace 

Kimchi Blue Back Cherry Lace Midi Dress. Urban Outfitters. ($129).

Cranbrook Embroidered Kimono. Francesca's Collections. ($38)


Sedalia Beaded Head Wrap. Francesca's Collections. ($14).

Printed Wideband. Free People. ($18).

Worn Boots

Bed Stu Manchester Tall Boot. Free People. ($285).

Veronica Short. Frye. ($298).

Layered Jewelry

Evil Eye Layered Necklace. Lucky Brand. ($34.30).

Lamar Jeweled Strand Necklace. Francesca's Collections. ($32). 


Braids and messy hair. Pinterest.

Simple, natural make up. Pinterest. 

My take

Top: Free People
Jeans: American Eagle
Boots (not pictured: Frye
Jewelry (not pictured): Alex and Ani and Lucky Brand

I hope everyone enjoyed this edition of Fall Into Style! Stay tuned for the next edition featuring Arctic Pop. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fall into Style: Grunge

It's my favorite time of year again: fall. I know loving fall is so white girl of me, but I can't help it. Between the cool, crisp breeze and all things pumpkin, fall is the best season, hands down.

My absolute favorite thing about fall is the new fashion styles. There's nothing cuter than a cozy, worn flannel paired with new boots, or a cardigan thrown on with some leggings. There's something about fall style that is as effortless as the falling leaves.

This post will be a three part series focusing on the upcoming fall trends.

Grunge is coming back in a big way. That means dark eyeliner, messy hair, black on black on black, leather details. I'm definitely looking forward to the grungy styles that will be hitting the shelves soon. It's all about mixing your tougher pieces with more delicate ones, such as a warm flannel paired with a super bold necklace or a leather skirt with a delicate lace top.

Leather skirts

 Quinn Vegan Leather Skirt. Francescas's Collections. ($44)
Stylestalker Vegan Leather Mini Skirt. Urban Outfitters. ($150)


Navy Plaid Scarf. e.Allen. ($32)

LA Hearts Plaid Faux Leather Trim Backpack. Pacsun. ($19.97)

Metal Accessories

Mott St. Jeweled Statement Necklace. Francesca's Collections. ($36)

Mercer Bib Necklace. Urban Outfitters. ($28)


Dark, lived-in eyeliner. The Beauty Department. 

Careless, messy hair. Pinterest. 

My Take

This is my take on the grunge trend. I tucked my Urban Outfitters flannel (found at Marshall's for $8) with my black bandage skirt (found at Target for $25, also available at Francesca's for $44) and my black combat boots (found at Marshall's for $35). Once I got to work, I added the Mont St. Jeweled Statement Necklace (found at Francesca's for $36) to complete my glamour-grunge look.